Entries by admin

Playoff Seedings

All scores have now been reported and the standings for the combined divisions are being created and reviewed.  Teams will be added to all draws on Tuesday February 20 2023 after 6pm.

Changing the way Canadian parents speak to their kids about sport

The online film called “The Ride Home” was created for this campaign. It offers parents and kids a first-hand look at an uncomfortable situation that some children find themselves in when their athletic performance doesn’t meet their parent’s expectations.  While many parents feel they are teaching their kids “life lessons,” in reality they are taking […]

Physical Literacy

What is physical literacy? Physical activity is a lot more fun when we’re physically literate. If we want children to be active for life, they need to develop physical literacy at a young age. Physicalliteracy.ca offers coaches, recreation professionals and health practitioners access to a wide range of resources that can help people become physically […]