U11 Female Tournament! Register now through Bryn Saunders, vpchillhockey@gmail.com.


U7 and U9 End of Season Tournament. Indoor ice surfaces! Contact Tugba Tamblyn (sbmha.u9house@gmail.com) to register your team today!!!

U7 and U9 House League Tournament (Indoor). Contact Mark to register!

U7 HL, U9 HL, U9A, U9 Female Indoor Tournament! Contact Nancy to register.

U7 and U9 House League Tournament! Contact Mike (vpdirectentry@gmail.com) or Judy (office@windsorcc.ca) to register.

U7 and U9 House League Tournament! Open for registration. Email rpccwintercarnival@gmail.com

U15 A2 (Body Contact) Tournament hosted by River East Royals! Please Contact Tina (tlcmommy2@gmail.com) to register.

U11 A2 Tournament hosted by Lord Selkirk Fishermen. Games will be played out of Garson Arena. Contact Ashley or Jonna today to sign up!

U9 and U11 Tournament! Contact Gary (wcc.manager@mymts.net) or Travis travis@bplsales.ca to register.