October 27 2021 – level 1 – Norberry Glenlee CC (Now in Person)
Timekeeper Clinics 2021-22
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Hockey Winnipeg timekeeper clinics will again be held differently this year. We are trying to limit our in-person clinics, so most of you will be completing a clinic virtually. Participants brand new to timekeeping (Level 1) will be required to attend an in-person clinic. All in-person clinics will adhere to COVID-19 safety measures and guidelines, including reduced class sizes and mandatory masks for all attendees, regardless of the ability to social distance.
All returning timekeepers (second year of Level 1 and both levels of Level 2) will be required to attend an online clinic on Zoom. Once you register and select a date and time to attend online, you will receive an email with a Zoom link prior to the clinic, along with the Hockey Winnipeg manual, link to the Hockey Winnipeg rule book, and the test portion material. The multiple choice portion will be done on a website, and the gamesheet portion will require you to print the gamesheet, fill it out by hand, and scan and return to the instructor.
If you attended a timekeeping clinic last year, and weren’t able to timekeep during the shortened season, you will be able to retake the clinic at no cost. Please send an email to Chelsea Leskiw at Chelsea.Leskiw14@gmail.com with the clinic date you would like to attend online, and you will be included on the email list. If you are a first year timekeeper who attended an in-person clinic and would like to retake the clinic, please email Hockey Winnipeg at Reception@hockeywinnipeg.ca with the date you would like to attend in-person, and we will schedule you in at no additional cost.
According to the province’s current public health orders, officials (both new and returning) 18 years of age and older are required to show proof that they are fully immunized (i.e. including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose) to enter all indoor recreational facilities in Manitoba.
Hockey Manitoba & Hockey Winnipeg will comply with the Manitoba Human Rights Code (MHRC) and accept accommodations that have been provided by the provincial government. Any members seeking a medical or religious accommodation must do so through an application to the provincial government.
Officials under 18 years of age do not need to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in order to officiate in a Hockey Manitoba/Hockey Canada sanctioned program/event in Manitoba.
All timekeepers are required to register each year, including the Level 2 timekeepers exempt from writing the exam. You are exempt once you complete the Level 2 exam for two years. Please register under the Clinic Not Required area. There is no cost to register under Clinic Not Required, but you must have completed 4 years of Hockey Winnipeg timekeeper clinics.
Prerequisite for Level 1: Participant must be 13 years of age or older. Timekeepers must certify as a Level 1 Timekeeper for two years before moving to Level 2. First year participants in Level 1 must purchase a binder for $10.00.
Prerequisite for Level 2: Participant must have completed two years as a level 1 prior to certifying as a Level 2, and must be 15 years of age or older.
Clinic registration will be closed 2 days prior to the clinic to allow time for material and links to be sent out to all attendees. If you are unable to make your scheduled clinic, please email reception@hockeywinnipeg.ca or call 204-784-5454 to change your clinic. Clinics have a maximum attendance number and cannot be altered due to COVID-19 restrictions. No drop-ins will be allowed.
*There are a limited number of timekeeper positions available each year. Please contact your area hockey association directly for information and to find out whether timekeepers are needed in your area. Attending a timekeeper clinic does not guarantee you a timekeeper position with your hockey association.
Area Association Name Telephone Email
Assiniboine Park (APHA) Lou Mulvenna lou_mulvenna@hotmail.com
Fort Garry (FGNHA) Kevin Klein 204-290-9305 kk@kevinklein.ca
Lord Selkirk (LSMHA) Dean Fillion 431-336-3326 ricofficials@lsmha.com
River East (REMHA) John McDonald 204-998-1082 johnymac@mymts.net
St. Boniface (SBMHA) Joyce Webinger 204-229-7103 webinger@mymts.net
St. James-Assiniboia (SJAMHA) Lou Mulvenna lou_mulvenna@hotmail.com
St. Vital (SVMHA) Ron Klippenstein 204-996-7945 stvtimekeep@yahoo.ca
Seven Oaks (SOMHA) Josh Patterson 204-890-7253 somha_ric@shaw.ca
South Winnipeg (SWHA) Lise Comte 204-723-5053 umcomtel@gmail.com
Transcona (TMHA Rob Riffel 204-803-3935 rriffel@shaw.ca
AAA Assignor Justin Passey 204-918-8009 justin.passey@hotmail.ca