Hockey Winnipeg’s Female Council is excited to host a Female Hockey Day for all female players participating in the following grassroots programs: U7 House League & Females from the First Shift Program.
All U7 female hockey players and Female First Shift participants (spots are limited, so sign up asap!) are invited to take part in a free 1-hour ice session at the Hockey For All Centre (formerly known as the Bell MTS Iceplex) on Monday, February 17th.
This event is an opportunity for female hockey players to engage and play alongside other female players in a fun and safe environment, while getting the experience of playing on an all-female team. The ice times will be instructed by strong female leaders in the hockey community and families will have an opportunity to learn more about the Female Hockey Programs being offered by their area associations.
The ice times will be held from 9:15am – 3:30pm on Monday, February 17th. All scheduled ice times will be confirmed and communicated through email by Wednesday, February 12th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Savannah Rennie, Grassroots Program Coordinator at
Registration closes Friday, February 7th. SPOTS ARE LIMITED.